Sunday, June 10, 2007

Packing and Prioritising

Wow, we've got a lot of books! Not that that's new, but the amount has grown over the past seven years. One thing about a big move like this where it's "get it moved the first time or it doesn't go" is that it really forces one to prioritise what stuff is necessary, what things you really enjoy and want to keep and what's unneccessary and unimportant and thus can be dispensed with. We've already cleaned out a chunk of stuff via a garage sale and liqudating a few things on ebay. Even with that we're still looking at having a large amount of Goodwill donations to serve as a tax deduction before we move. We've got closets with boxes that haven't been open since we moved here. Those will be gone through just to make sure there isn't anything we've been looking for or which should be given over to family care and the rest goes. So if anyone's looking for anything, in general or particular, let us know.

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