Saturday, July 21, 2007

Back Online!

Finally, after about two weeks, we've gotten online access again!

It's amazing how one gets used to having near instant access to information and how frustrating things get when that access is denied.

In any case, we're now in our apartment and I've been unpacking the past week, and there's still boxes to be emptied. We still need more bookcases, nothing new there. We haven't been able to get any new furniture yet due to an odd, to us Indiana residents at least, practice of California banks. As our previous bank has no branches in California, we had to open a new account. Then we also deposited Christy's first paycheck and reimbursement check. Then we were told that for the first month of a new account being open, you're limited to only $100 of your deposit for a week after the deposit. Supposedly, this practice is to stymie money laundering operations. So, if you're moving to California, make sure you've got a bank with branches in the state or make sure you get cash with that first deposit so you've got money to run on.

Is California more expensive? Yes and no. Rent is higher as is stuff like gas, insurance and meats. Chain restaurants such as Taco Bell and McDonald's have standard prices as does Denny's so they can be cheaper than local places. The real trick is finding the local grocery stores and cooking yourself. Safeway is a standard supermarket with a decent selection and moderate prices. Get their discount card and buy store brands to save a good bit of cash. Trader Joe's is great for organic foods and has some great prices mixed in with some high prices, so shop around. Movie theatres are similar to Indy in prices plus about $0.25-0.50. Books cost the same at the local Borders and comics are cheaper for us thanks to Cryptic giving their employees a discount. I still have to find the local game store now that our money will be available again.

So, that's where we are right now. We're still adjusting to the time difference and the location.

Well, time for dinner so I'll talk to everyone later.

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