Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Down to the Wire

Wow! What a week!

We're finally all packed and nearly ready to go. This past week was a whirlwind of activity, from confusion over how Cryptic was paying Christy's moving allowance to getting our new apartment to packing and cleaning. After all that, we've still got a 2300 mile drive ahead.

Still though, it seems Christy timed this move pretty well. We found out Friday that her former employer is laying off workers. It seems our predictions of a downward spiral for them has begun.

In any case, Cryptic finally decided to just pay the bill for PODS to move our stuff and it got on the way Monday afternoon. Also, they paid the deposit on our new apartment so we now have a place to live! We'll be at the place pictured in the last post. The only problem is, due to the July 4th holiday, we probably won't be able to get in until the 12th, so we'll have a few extra nights in a hotel than anticipated but since we didn't have to pay the deposit we've got extra cash to deal with that.

Then there was the packing and cleaning. As to that, thank goodness for friends and family or we'd have never gotten it done. Mom helped pack the breakables, Dad directed the loading of the POD and got it securely packed, Mike helped Dad and proved to be the King of Lift & Carry by hoisting up to four boxes of books at a time, Amy and Carrie cleaned and made a few supply runs while Nick and Wendy drove down to help with Nick doing both lift and carry tasks and being on carpet shampoo duty while Wendy went all Domestic Goddess and led the cleaning charge. I was in awe of all the assistance provided. As a reward for all the work, we got to wind down with a couple of sessions of Ars Magica.

Now we just have to get the last few details squared away before heading out Wednesday.

We'll be taking pictures along the way and we'll update things here as soon as possible. As we don't own a laptop it might have to wait until we're settled in to the new place before the next update. So wish us luck and we'll get back to the story as soon as we can.

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